What is a laser cut key?

Laser Cut Keys: Everything You Need to Know

Laser Cut Keys: The Future of Automotive Security



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The laser cut key, sometimes called a "sidewinder key," is a modern automotive key known for its distinctive high-security blade. This advanced blade design hit the automotive scene in the early 1990s, joining forces with transponder key technology to fight car theft — A mission it accomplished with great success.

Initially, luxury automakers such as Mercedes, Porsche, and BMW were the first to incorporate these advanced blades for their vehicles' transponder keys. However, it wasn't long before more affordable car brands caught on and adopted this technology. Nowadays, sidewinder key technology is a universal standard, and it's a typical security feature in virtually every new car that rolls off the dealership lot.

What sets these blades apart from traditional keys is their distinct appearance, which results from their unusual cut. Unlike ordinary keys, which are cut along the edges, laser cut keys have their grooves cut through the center of the blade, giving them their iconic look.


Laser cut key: A technology that prevented car theft

Outdated key machines can't handle these modern blades. To cut laser cut transponder keys, you'll need a high-security key-cutting machine, expertise in key systems, and knowledge of the key-cutting equipment being used. This increased skill required to cut keys made it more difficult for thieves to duplicate car keys.

Laser cut keys offer more than just enhanced security. The advanced blade design makes sidewinder keys far stronger and more reliable than your average metal "blank key." Laser cut keys are built to last, offering increased reliability overall.

Why are they called Laser cut keys?

You will need a special key-cutting machine that employs a bid guided by a tracer to cut laser keys. Such machines cut the keys precisely like a "laser," which is why they are called that way.

Interesting facts about laser cut keys

  • Multiple Styles: Laser cut keys have more than 7 unique cutting styles.
  • Decreased Theft: Laser cut keys decreased national car thefts by more than 20%.
  • Universal Use: Today, 100% of car manufacturers use laser cut key systems.
  • Increased Durability: Laser keys increased the durability of car locks by more than 30%.

How do laser cut keys improve our vehicle's security?


Laser-cut systems have vastly improved our vehicle anti theft system and our car key's durability in many ways. Here are just some of the benefits of having laser-cut car locks and laser-cut transponder keys in our cars:

1. Increased security

Due to the way the new mechanism is built, a sidewinder lock cylinder is much harder to pick (bypass) than an old standard lock cylinder. It is essentially a high security lock and provides a great level of security for the car owner.

2. Limited the access to cutting equipment

Today, unlike before, you will likely need a specialized locksmith service to cut new car keys. Laser cut transponder keys require a particular sidewinder key-cutting machine to duplicate them. These sidewinder key duplicators are very expensive, require knowledge to operate them, and are not available to the general public, which makes it more difficult for the bad guys to duplicate your car keys.

3. Made a unique pattern for each key

One major problem with older automotive key systems is that their lock combination spread is too narrow, as a result of that: many vehicles have similar key patterns. In older key systems, a single car key can potentially unlock multiple cars if it has similar cuts to the original. Laser key systems, on the other hand, feature unique patterns for each car key, reducing the chances of one key working on multiple vehicles.

4. Made interchangeable key blades possible

Like a traditional remote car key, a sidewinder remote key can also wear down and become rough on the ignition cylinder. However, unlike standard remote keys, an old laser cut remote key blade can be replaced. This not only saves on car key expenses but also provides added convenience for car owners.

Exploring the different laser cut car key styles


As illustrated in the image above, a wide array of sidewinder key cut styles and designs exist. Over time, car manufacturers have introduced numerous types of laser-cut keys, each featuring different cutting styles and shapes.

Some car brands practiced cutting their high-security blades on the sides, resembling the old standard car key-cutting style. Other car brands avoided such cutting systems and preferred to cut their blades through the middle.

Time showed that car brands that preferred their cuts on the sides for their laser-cut systems, like Honda, Subaru, and old BMW, had encountered quicker system failures, accelerated key wear, and more rapid cylinder deterioration. As a result, many car owners suffer greatly from this poor decision-making.

Based on our experience in the field, we've found that the most reliable key-cutting systems feature grooves (cuts) in the middle. Such high-security car keys tend to last longer and are more durable, which is why many car manufacturers prefer this cutting style today. Even car brands that initially used side-cut systems, like BMW, quickly realized it and adapted their cutting methods.

The Process of Copying Laser Cut Keys


If you need your new transponder key cut, all you need to do is bring it to your local auto locksmith shop. They will have a suitable key-cutting machine to cut any high-security blade for you.

When a car locksmith cuts sidewinder keys in the shop, he will usually go through 3 steps. Each of them is important: first, he will decode the cuts of the existing key fob; next, he will set up the key cutting machine to the proper key blank; and lastly, he will cut the blade according to the cuts decoded earlier.

Now let's talk about those steps in more detail:

1. Decoding the original blade and retrieving the original combination

To cut a laser-cut key, first, it is necessary to get the original cuts or, as locksmiths call it: the "key code." This crucial step can be accomplished either by a skilled locksmith's keen eye, or by retrieves the code from an external source, or with the help of a specialized sidewinder key cutting machine. The machine employs a tracer to decode the existing pattern.

2. Calibrating the Cutting Machine: Precision Matters

Once the key has been successfully decoded, the locksmith must carefully configure the key-cutting machine to match the specific vehicle manufacturer and key profile. This step is vital to ensure a perfect duplication. Skipping or inaccurately calibrating the machine can result in a poorly cut key or even damage the cutting equipment.

3. Cut the blade, and we are done!

After he sets up the laser cutting machine to the right profile, all is left is to cut the new blade. If the device is set up correctly, it will cut through it in less than 5 minutes. Congratulations, you now have newly cut blades for your remote key!

Want to Switch Your Sidewinder Car Key Blade?


If you need to replace your sidewinder car key blade, there are a few things to consider. First of all, it's good to know that these blades are very affordable, and you can purchase them in any of your local automotive locksmith shops. Alternatively, you can buy them online from a reputable source.

However, buying online can be a bit tricky, and it's important to be mindful of where you buy from. Unfortunately, not all websites are trustworthy, and it can be difficult to determine the quality of a new spare key. Many sites claim to sell high-quality products, but you may end up receiving a key that doesn't look like what you saw in the picture.

It's crucial to ensure that your new sidewinder chipped key is made from the right materials and of high quality. If not, it might damage the key cutting machine or your car's lock cylinders. Additionally, a low-quality blade can fail and break inside the cylinder shortly after being cut, causing you even more trouble.

To avoid such issues, it's always best to get your new key blank from a reputable source. A great way to do this is by buying from trusted suppliers for auto locksmiths. These suppliers tend to have the best products since they sell to professionals who demand the highest quality.

In summary, whether you choose to buy in-store or online, make sure to do your due diligence and purchase from a reputable source. By doing so, you can ensure that your new sidewinder car key blade replacement is of the right quality and will serve you well for years to come.

How much does laser cutting keys cost?

A reasonable price to pay for cutting a laser-cut blade would be $50-$90, depending on the type of blade. Some car key blades will require extra equipment to cut them and more time to set up the laser cutting machine, so a car key specialist will have to charge accordingly.

Remember! If you want the key to start the vehicle, in many cases cutting the blade is not enough. Newer vehicles come equipped with chip keys, smart key systems (also called proximity keys), or key fob systems, and they will require transponder key programming to start your car.

Need your sidewinder key cut in Calgary?

Were you looking to cut your new key for your car in Calgary? We cut keys such as proximity key, key fob, chip key, and more! And if your car is equipped with a transponder system we would also be able to program the keys for you.

CarKeyAction is an automotive locksmith that carries the most advanced laser key machines to cut any key available in the market. We are the leading car locksmiths in Calgary, and we do the job the right way. Do not wait and cut your new transponder key with us!

Call us today (403)-589-8978 or book an appointment by contacting us below.

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